Celebrate their accomplishments with a special flowering flair when you send The You Did It!™ Bouquet by Hallmark. Bringing together a stunning collection of blooms, including eye-catching Stargazer Lilies, orange roses, yellow chrysanthemums, hot pink mini carnations and lush greens, this gorgeous flower arrangement is styled in an orange hand-cut keepsake glass vase and arrives with a Hallmark tag that reads, "You Did It!" A fantastic way to congratulate your recipient in honor of a graduation, new job, or special milestone moment. GOOD bouquet, Approx. 14"H x 10"W. BETTER bouquet, Approx. 15"H x 12"W. BEST bouquet, Approx. 16"H x 13"W. details Approximately 15"H x 12"W Keepsake orange hand-cut glass vase included Scripted Hallmark tag "You Did It!" Free personalized gift message stems Carnation Lily Rose
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